Here are a couple of fabulous finds I've discovered the last week. They weren't expensive either.

This frame was bought at Nille (a Norwegian discount store chain). It cost NOK 25,- I'll make a family gallery on the wall above the chest of drawers from Thursday's posting. I'm going to have both white, silvercoated and black frames

Denne serviettringen (pluss fem andre) fant jeg der jeg kjøpte de flotte stuegardinene. De kostet 19 kr pr. stykk. Kjempesøte.
Hodet har ikke vært helt godt i dag. Sannsynligvis har oljemalinga og sprayboksen satt sitt preg. Det eneste jeg har orket å gjøre, har vært å sitte i sofaen og hekle. Det kunne vært verre...
This napkin ring (plus five more) I found at the store where I bought the nice living room curtains. I got them for NOK 19,- each. Really cute.
My head has ached today. Probably because of yesterday's oil- and spraypainting. The only thing I've been able to do is sit on the couch and crochet. It could have been worse....
Håper dere har en trivelig lørdag - I hope that you all have a nice Saturday
Inga Helene
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