lørdag 23. juli 2011

Dagen etter - The day after

Det er en uvirkelig morgen. Terrorbomben i Oslo var bare starten. Gal manns verk førte til at over 90 (i skrivende stund 91) mennesker ble drept. Over 80 av dem ble skutt rett ned på en politisk sommerleir for ungdom. Skutt av en nordmann. Hvordan kan sånt finne sted?

It's a surreal morning. The terrorbomb in Oslo was just the beginning. Crazy man's work led to the killing of more than 90 (91 as I write) people. More than 80 of them was assasinated on a political summercamp for youngsters. Shot by a Norwegain. How can such things happen?

Statsministeren kom med kloke ord. " - Ingen får bombe oss til taushet. I dag handler det om å berge liv, i morgen om å vise at det norske samfunn er sterkere enn noen gang: Mer åpent og mer demokratisk, men ikke naivt." 

The Prime Minister said it visely. " - No one can bomb us to silence. Today it's all about saving lives, tomorrow we'll show that the Norwegian society is stronger than ever: More open and more democratic, but not naive."

Jeg tenker på alle som ble drept, de skadde, de pårørende, de som opplevde helvete og overlevde. I dag står Norge sammen for og med dere i sorgen.

I'm thinking of all the killed, the wounded, the relatives, those who faced hell and survived. Today Norway is standing together and with you in the sorrow.

bortanfor stunda
bortanfor trettinga
bortanfor pininga
bortanfor harmen

er det ikkje deg eg ser?

og aldri var du finare
mot meg,
og vakrare.

Tarjei Vesaas
beyond the moment 
beyond the quarrel
beyond the torment
beyond the anger

isn't it you I see?

and never where you nicer
to me,
and more beautiful.

arjei Vesaas (translation: myself)
Inga Helene

6 kommentarer:

  1. What a sad time in Norway's history. Thinking of you and the families who have lost loved ones. So tragic.

  2. I'm sorry for the loss of lives in Norway. I didn't know how many had been killed on the island, it is horrible and frightening. In this world, there is a fight between good and evil. Definitely, our thoughts and sympathy are with your people.

  3. We are with you too...unfortunatley we know, all too well, what it is to see horror before our eyes. Mad men can live anywhere, even amongst peaceful people. My heart breaks for the families of the lost and wounded.

  4. Inga,

    I can't imagine what the families and the entire country is going through. Norway is in my thoughts today.

  5. You are my only direct connection with Norway, so I send you my personal condolences and prayers for the healing of your nation.

  6. I don't know anyone from Norway, but I have always wanted to visit your country. I am so saddened for your nation at this time of grief. Stay strong.



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