fredag 1. april 2016

Nye barn, nye babytepper - New babies, new blankets

Dette halvåret fødes to nye musikerbabyer i min omgangskrets. Her er min måte å si  "Velkommen til verden" til de to småttisene. Heklet i Dale Baby Ull.

Within the next few months, two musician's babies will be born. Here is my way of welcoming the kiddo's to the world. Both are crocheted in Dale Baby Ull.

Dagens fotosession fant sted på Smilehullet. Snille Sara lot meg få låne studioet en times tid.

Today's photo session took place at Smilehullet. Sara was so kind to lend me the studio for an hour or so.

Andre tepper jeg har laget finner du her, her og her.

You find other blankets I've made here, here and here.

Inga Helene

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