We went to Bohus (a Norwegian furnishing store chain) only to look. But suddenly we had bought ourselves a new kitchen table. Today it was delivered and we used the afternoon to get everything in place. On the first picture you see how it looked before.

Her skrur Mannen stoler.
Here the Man is assembling the chairs.

Man trenger kanskje ikke en Unbraconøkkel til hver stol? (Produsenten syntes tydeligvis det)
One doesn't need one Unbraco fastener for each chair? (The manufacturer thinks obviously so).

Fire stoler (av seks) er klare. Four chairs (out of six) are ready.

Bordbeina skrus fast. Table legs fastened.

Ferdig! Vi er kjemepfornøyd, men ser at det må males om ikke lenge.
Done! We are really satisfied, but we also see that painting must be done within a short time-
Ha en hyggelig kveld - Have a nice evening.
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