Det ble en lang dag i byen. Å hente gardina gikk fort, men så måtte vi innom flere steder for å se på belysning. Fikk bestilt en ny arbeidslampe til meg som jeg kan bruke når jeg sitter i sofaen med håndarbeid, og lånte med oss nok en lampe for utprøving. Lunsjen ble pølsemeny på Shell (usunn, men du verden så deilig!) . Neste stopp var

Vel hjemme oppdaget vi at gardina var for lang. Tekstmelding ble sendt til "gardindamen" og hun tilbød seg å komme og hente gardina. Det kaller jeg bra service. Lampa vi lånte passet heller ikke helt inn, så det blir bytur i morgen også.
Today it was time to take a trip into the city. We had received a message that the last curtain we had ordered was ready for pickup. We also had to deliver the sconces we borrowed earlier this week, plus some other errands.
All this took quite a long time. The curtain pickup went fast but we had to visit several stores to look for lighting. I found a lovely worklamp for me to use when I'm doing crafts in the livingroom and we borrowed another lamp to try at home. We had lunch, sausagemenu at Shell, the gas station. (Unhealthy, I know, but my oh my how delicious!) Next stop was an office euqipment store where I found the lovely heartshaped Post-Its. Perfect for all the Hello Kitty-stuff I bought earlier this year for my classroom. (My pupils really envy my collection of pink stash). My other finds must be subject for another post.
At home we discovered that the curtain was too long. I sent an SMS to the "curtainlady" and she offered to come home to us to pick it up. That's what I call excellent service. The lamp was suitable either, so we'll have to go into the city tomorrow as well.
Ha en fin kveld! - Have a nice evening!
Inga Helene
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