Yesterday I went to a sewing bee. We are five ladies where I'm the youngest and the oldest is more than 70 who meets once a month approximately to sew and chat. It started when the other ladies took a hand sewing class I gave. After that we've seen each other regularly, and it has become very nice happenings which I look forward to.

On these nights we bring crafts we have done, books for inspiration og cute little things we've bougt. Yesterday wasn't much sewing related, but a lot of beautiful knitting was shown. Here are some beautiful children's mittens the hostess had knitted. Really handy to have when you're in need for a quick present.

The hostess also showed a quilt which she was making for her grandnephew. Who wouldn't want a grand aunt like her?

Another lady is as knitting master. She brought with her to kinds of mittens/gloves. One who you knit back and forth and sew together in the end, and one more traditional. Check out that tension!

Usually a simple meal is being served, but since the hostess had just celebrated her 70th anniversary, she had made a bit extra. Lovely chicken salad with bread, cheese plate and coffe and cake. We sat by the table for a long time. The other ladies are born here (or has lived her longer then me) so get to know the people and stories of the place through them. It became quite late before I returned home.

Now it's practice- and baking time before I head for work. The cake is for work tomorrow. No Saturday off this weekend then.
Inga Helene
Hei Inga Helene :)) Takk for kommentar på bloggen min! Det er så koselig å se nye navn der inne :) Inne hos deg var det mye flott!
SvarSlettDere damene hadde jammen laget mye lekkert!
Skjønne tepper og lekre vanter og votter.
Så koselig å treffes på denne måten :)
Ønsker deg en fin fredag! Hilsen Kardemomme :))