Dette hadde selvfølgelig gått meg hus forbi, og Bjørn Brumm var ikke fornøyd. Han hadde gjemt seg bak den nye Lene Bjerre-løperen som lå i sofaen på arbeidsrommet mitt. Har ikke helt funnet plass til den ennå.
This little fella' was not happy today. I had forgotten that it was the Teddybears' birthday yesterday. So you didn't know that either? History says that the American President Theodore Roosevelt was the father of the Teddy Bear. He was bear hunting and denied to shoot a little bear cub who was chained to a tree. After the story became known, they started to make small plush bears. They was named Teddy after the president. And yesterday was the president's , and also the Teddy Bear's birthday.
It had slipped my attention, of course and Bear the Pooh wasn't satisfied at all. He had hidden beneath my new Lene Bjerre table runner in my studio sofa. Don't know yet where to put it.

After promises of pictures in the blog, he chose to come forward. Hedemanded to have the other table runner which lay in the sofa, the one from Brødremoen dekor, as background in the picture. This will be put on the cupboard I'm working on, when it's done.
(Jeg lover å komme med ordentlige bilder av løperne når jeg finner plass til dem - I promise to post real pictures of the table runners when I find a nice spot for them)
Inga Helene ;-)
Husk konkurransen min - Remember my competition
Hei, brødet er kjøpt på lykke og lukas i Harstad:)) De har sååååå mye flott:) Ha en flott søndag