Everyday happiness can be a lot of things. For instance dining on the veranda in September, even though you live above the Arctic Circle (don't worry about only one glass of wine, the Man's glass is in the kitchen, where he cooks),
dekke bord til deg og kjæresten og ta i bruk små detaljer som bare har ventet på den perfekte anledningen,
setting the table for you and the special one and using small details kept for a special occasion,
plukke egendyrkede blomster til bordet,
pick homegrown flowers for the table,
eller bare rett og slett nyte solstrålenes forgylling av omgivelsene.
or just enjoy the sun's gilding of the surroundings.
Ha en strålende helg alle sammen!
have a great weekend everyone!
Inga Helene
Very nice! What is this light blue waffle thing I spy on the table? Hmmmmm...interesting...