I cleaned my studio cupboard today, I mean,really cleaned it. All my yarn and patchwork fabric was taken out and a new drawer system from Elfa was installed. I bought two drawer frames with minor damages and the price was cut with nearly NOK400,- It will be inside a cupboard so it doesn't matter. The fabric was roughly sorted in colours, and a large plastic bag filled with colours that doesn't suit me longer, will be sent to charity. When the sorting was done I thought the cupboard deserved some nicer knobs than what was originally on it.

But where could I find them? The last time I saw them, they were in the bookcase beside the door to the hall. Today they weren't there. Hm... where had I put them? It's so annoying when something like this happens. I looked everywhere (even inside the food cabinet). After several hours I finally could put on the new ones. Where they were? Beside the candlelights. Don't ask what I was thinking about when I placed them.
Ha en hyggelig kveld - Have a nice evening.
Inga Helene
But are you going to show us what is inside the cupboard?
SvarSlettWelcome back to blogging, you have been busy around the house.
Det der var gjenkjennende! Jeg har også en tendens til å legge ting et lurt sted som jeg ikke finner igjen. Hehehe.
SvarSlettUtrolig hvor mye en liten knott kan ha å si. De kan ødelegge alt - eller gjøre alt flott.En treknott ødelegger vel det meste:)