I'm not antecipating Christmas, but today I was inspired. I came across some great tutorials at Paul Lowe's blog or Sweet Paul as he calls hiimself. He has made some great cards. I've collected scrapping equipment and lovely paper for a realy long time, but I've never dared to cut in it. But today I jumped at it. A bit careful in the beginning; I punched out three small Christmas trees. And I felt creativity started to flow. Now I'll try to make some cards for Christmas. I might need a snowflake puncher and some lovely paper in pale Christmas colours and glitter glue and punched letters and....
Ha en fin kveld - Have a nice evening
Inga Helene
Så gøy!! Sjekk Binders sitt utvalg i scrappepapir og saker. Jeg har fått mye der for lite!
SvarSlettOi, det var jo kjempesmart! Eg jobber sjølv på ein butikk som selg scrappeutstyr, no kan eg jo anbefale det videre.