Finally the cupboard is done! My working days both last week and this are filled up, but I did find time during the weekend to paint the last coatings. The doors were fastened tonight and both the Man and I are very satisfied!

Here is the inside of the cupboards. The bottom is covered with Tilda paper. Now I just have to clean cut the edges and put on one more coating of decoupage varnish. It is quite lovely *proud*.

Here are the knobs I bought. The Man was so satisfied that he said I could paint the other dining room cupboard as well:-) So today I bought knobs for it also. Now I have to find a suitable table runner. I'm guessing I have to crochet something in black. At least I've bought yarn for it.
Det er fortsatt noen dager igjen av konkurransen min. Her kan du se hva du kan vinne.
There are still a few days left in my competition. Here can you see what you can win.
Inga Helene
SvarSlettSå fint det ble! Litt maling gjør underverker. Likte også innsiden av skuffene, skikkelig forseg gjort!
Ha en fin uke
Vakkert med papir i skuffene, synd det er så få som vil se det vakre papiret. Ekstra gøy er det jo når gubben blir fornøyd også:)